Monday, May 14, 2012

Mark (bio)


Meeting Samara and Nazilla
He arrives with is team (Stewart, Martha, and Rebecca). He instantly dislikes Nazilla, but trusts Samara. He teams up with Samara to steal an M-1 from the Hurnia Police Station. Afterwards he gets into a fight with Nazilla over Samara Crichton.

More of Samara and Nazilla
Tries to dissuade Samara from taking Nazilla to the Spa. Possibly out of jealousy. When both return from the Spa he thinks that Nazilla is hiding something from him. When he tires to comfort the crying Samara, Nazilla stops him. Makes Samara Crichton a Jalapenos Omelet one morning without being stopped by Nazilla. Asks Samara to go on a mission with only him. Encounters minor problem with Nazilla trying to stop him. This problem is solved when Kered needs rescuing and so he distracts her that way. After he gets back from the mission he informs the group (which includes Kered, who had previously been rescued) that, with the help of Samara Crichton and Martha, he has found a way to take down Playful Ballet.

He helps in the attack to kill four top members of The Net that are in charge of Playful Ballet. He soon leaves after the mission with the rest of his team. He is the only one not to give a good-bye to Nazilla.


Mark and Nazilla
Mark doesn't trust living with a Machine.

Mark and Samara Crichton
Is attracted to her and doesn't understand why she loves a Machine. He develops a crush on her quickly.

Mark and Stewart
Mark trusts Stewart the most out of his team.

Mark and Martha
Thinks that she is too soft on Nazilla and, possibly, any other Machines.

Mark and Rebecca
Believes that Rebecca has the right ideas about Machines.

Mark and Kered
Is respectful of Kered's position as the Elemental Earth of Karma.


Human or Machine


First Appearance
S&N: Being New 3


Leader of an Investigation Team in Karma

Most Hated Nickname (given by Nazilla)
Marky (from Marky Mark)

About Elementals
Mark is afraid to speak in front of an Elemental

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