Monday, May 14, 2012

Stewart (bio)


Starting the Investigation
Stewart comes with Mark, Rebecca, and Martha to help Samara and Nazilla with the Playful Ballet investigation. Goes on a mission to steal an M-1 from the Hurnia Police Station. The fight Mark and Samara has, after the mission, interests him and he sees a human side of Nazilla.

More Samara and Nazilla
Reacts the calmest to Nazilla's story about Glau (from the Spa) and even puts down Rebecca when he feels she has crossed a line.

Rescuing Kered
Tries to speak to Mark. But when Mark waves him off he goes to talk to Nazilla about the news of Kered being captured. Once Stewart gets permission, he plans with Nazilla, Rebecca, and Martha on how to rescue Kered. Stewart drops off Rebecca and Nazilla. Afterwards he drives away, waits a few minutes, and then causes a distraction (with the help of Martha) so that Rebecca and Nazilla can rescue Kered. Drives the car (with Martha riding shotgun) that allows Nazilla, Rebecca, and Kered to escape. Is in the meeting where Mark and Samara Crichton reveal their plans about Playful Ballet and Kered talks about Logic (a secret organization that operates within The Net, but that The Net is unaware of).

Playful Ballet and Leaving
He helps in the attack to kill four top members of The Net that are in charge of Playful Ballet. After Nazilla comes back with Glau's body he discusses with Kered to allow Nazilla to keep Glau's body. He soon leaves with the rest of his team.


Stewart and Nazilla
Finds Nazilla a test subject to see what an M-4 is capable of. Is suspicious that Nazilla is losing her ability to love.

Stewart and Samara Crichton
Finds it interesting that Samara, a member of Karma, would be in a relationship with a Machine.

Stewart and Mark
Finds Mark's understanding of Machines to be undermined by prejudices.

Stewart and Rebecca
Finds Rebecca to be too cruel to Nazilla who is a fellow Karma member.

Stewart and Martha
Finds that she is a little too caring to a Machine.

Stewart and Kered


Human or Machine


First Appearance
S&N: Being New 3

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